Aitreamh nan Gàidheal – The Highlander’s Institute

Thairis a’ bhliadhna a dh’fhalbh, tha sinn air a bhith a’ bruidhinn còmhla ri muinntir Ghlaschu mu cor na Gàidhlig sa bhaile. Gu tric, thuirteadh rinn gu bheil daoine ag iarraidh aitreabh no cultarlann na Gàidhlig fhaicinn sa bhaile far an urrainn dhaibh Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn is a chluinntinn uair sam bith. Ach, dh’aithnich mi nach eil fios aig mòran air a’ chultarlann a bha ann an Glaschu fad deicheadan – Aitreamh nan Gàidheal no the Highlander’s Institute.

Bidh iomadh Gàidheal sa latha an-diugh eòlach air eachdraidh nan Gàidheal ann an Glaschu, no Baile nan Gàidheal, agus ’s aithne do mòran cuid de na dh’àitichean anns an tàinig na Gàidheil còmhla, mar fon drochaid rèile air sràid Earra-Ghàidheal air an do thogadh the Heilanman’s Umbrella. Ach is gann a chluinneas tu daoine bruidhinn air Aitreamh nan Gàidheal a chaidh a stèidheachadh sna 1920ean.

’S e an àite a b’ ainmeile do Ghàidheil ann an Glaschu a bhith a’ coinneachadh Ghàidheil eile, ag èisteachd ri ceòl is beul-aithris, agus  a’ dannsa. Bha talla dannsaidh ann air a’ chiad làr a bha loma-làn de dhannsairean gach oidhche Haoine, agus seòmraichean beaga os a chionn anns an do choinnich comainn no cèilidhean nas lugha.

Dhùineadh dorsan Aitreamh nan Gàidheal son an uair mu dheireadh ann an 1979 air sàillibh duilgheadasan cosgais. Ged a chaidh an togalach air Sràid Berkeley a leigeil bhon uair sin, ’s dòcha gu bheil miann aig muinntir Ghlaschu Aitreamh nan Gàidheal a thogail a-rithist?

Over the last year, we have been speaking to Glasgow Gaelic about the state of Gaelic in the city. Often people tell us that they are looking for a physical space in the city where they can go to speak and hear Gaelic. However, many people are unaware that such a place used to exist in Glasgow – Aitreamh nan Gàidheal or the Highlander’s Institute.

People are often aware that Glasgow had a very large Gaelic community, particular during the 19th century when many Gaels settled from Argyll, the Hebrides and the Highlands. Gaels would often meet in settle and meet in places across the city. The Heilanman’s Umbrella, the nickname for the rail bridge on Argyll Street under which Gaelic speakers would often meet one another. However, many Glasgow Gaels are unfamiliar with the Highlander’s Institute.

The Highlander’s Institute was the where Gaelic speakers would gather, listening to entertainment, catching up on news, and attending dances and ceilidhs. On the ground floor, there was a large ballroom which would often be full to the rafters with dancers on a Friday night. There were smaller rooms on the floor above which were used for smaller events and meetings.

The Highlander’s Institute closed in 1979 due to financial reasons. The building on Berkeley Street was also eventually demolished. However, with many Gaelic speakers looking for a Gaelic social space, is there a possibility that a New Highlander’s Institute could soon be opened in Glasgow?

Taing do (2022) Aitreamh nan Gàidheal. [fhuaireadh cothrom air]


Eanraig MacGhille-Bhàin / Henry ‘Fionn’ Whyte


Geàr-Iomradh Toraidhean na Suirbhidhe “Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu”